First Guard™ Lamb Colostrum

FIRST GUARD Lamb Colostrum Powder is a nutritional supplement feedingstuff of pure natural Colosrum containing high levels of Active Colostrum Proteins fortified with Pre-Biotics (Microfos), Nucleotides, Glutamine, Beta-Glucan’s Vitamins, Chelated Trace elements on a specialised Fatty Acid powder base for energy indicated for rearing neonate Lambs or Goats Kids and other neonate animals for the first critical days of life. Ideally to be fed in the first 6 hours of life.


  • Easy to mix, highly stable colostrum supplement for newborn lambs deprived or deficient in colostrum from the mother or suffering in harsh weather conditions
  • Weak & low weight Lambs and/or when the mother’s colostrum is suspect will benefit from First Guard Lamb Colostrum Powder for up to 48 hours after birth

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